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All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at * */ import React, { useState, useMemo } from 'react' import moment from 'moment' import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom' import { Layout, Heading, Container, Icon, Text, CodeBlock, Button, PageError } from '@wings-software/uicore' import { Dialog, IDialogProps, Classes, Spinner } from '@blueprintjs/core' import { Color } from '@harness/design-system' import { useStrings } from 'framework/strings' import { CVNGLogDTO, useGetOnboardingLogs } from 'services/cv' import type { ProjectPathProps } from '@common/interfaces/RouteInterfaces' import { getErrorMessage } from '@cv/utils/CommonUtils' import css from './ThirdPartyCallLog.module.scss' export interface ApiCallLogDTOField { name: string value: string } export interface ApiCallLogDTO extends CVNGLogDTO { requests: ApiCallLogDTOField[] responses: ApiCallLogDTOField[] requestTime: number responseTime: number } interface ThirdPartyCallLogsProps { guid: string onBackButtonClick?: () => void onHide: () => void verificationType: string } interface RequestMadeProps { status: number requestURL: string requestTimestamp: number isSelected: boolean onClick: () => void } interface SelectedLogProps { callLog: ApiCallLogDTO } type RequestAndResponse = { requestURL?: string requestMethod?: string statusCode?: string responseBody?: string responseIsJSON?: boolean } const bpDialogProps: IDialogProps = { isOpen: true, usePortal: true, autoFocus: true, canEscapeKeyClose: true, canOutsideClickClose: true, enforceFocus: false, className: Classes.DIALOG, style: { width: 900, height: 570 } } function SelectedLog(props: SelectedLogProps): JSX.Element { const { requests, responses, requestTime, responseTime } = props.callLog || {} const { getString } = useStrings() const requiredKeys = useMemo(() => { const obj: RequestAndResponse = {} requests?.forEach(reqObj => { Eif ( === 'url') { obj.requestURL = reqObj.value } else if ( === 'Method') { obj.requestMethod = reqObj.value } responses?.forEach(respObj => { if ( === 'Status Code') { obj.statusCode = respObj.value } else Eif ( === 'Response Body') { try { obj.responseBody = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(respObj.value), null, 2) obj.responseIsJSON = true } catch (exception) { obj.responseBody = respObj.value } } }) }) return obj }, [requests, responses]) return ( <Container className={css.selectedCallLog}> <Container className={css.requestContainer}> <Text color={Color.BLACK}>{getString('cv.thirdPartyCalls.requestMade')}</Text> <Text className={css.urlLabel}>{getString('UrlLabel')}:</Text> <Container className={css.requestUrl}> <CodeBlock allowCopy format="pre" snippet={requiredKeys.requestURL} /> </Container> {requiredKeys.requestMethod && ( <Text> {getString('cv.methodLabel')}: <Text inline>{requiredKeys.requestMethod}</Text> </Text> )} </Container> <Container className={css.responseContainer}> <Text color={Color.BLACK}>{getString('cv.response')}</Text> <Text> {getString('cv.statusCode')}: <Text inline>{requiredKeys.statusCode}</Text> </Text> <Text> {getString('cv.thirdPartyCalls.timeTaken')}:<Text inline>{(responseTime || 0) - (requestTime || 0)}ms</Text> </Text> <Text>{getString('cv.responseBody')}:</Text> <Container className={css.responseBody}> <CodeBlock allowCopy format="pre" snippet={requiredKeys.responseBody} /> </Container> </Container> </Container> ) } function RequestMade(props: RequestMadeProps): JSX.Element { const { requestTimestamp, requestURL, status, isSelected, onClick } = props const { getString } = useStrings() const requestDate = useMemo( () => (requestTimestamp === -1 ? undefined : moment(requestTimestamp)), [requestTimestamp] ) const statusIcon = useMemo(() => { if (status === 200) { return <Icon name="deployment-success-legacy" className={css.statusIcon} /> } else if (status >= 400) { return <Icon name="main-issue" color={Color.RED_500} className={css.statusIcon} /> } return <Icon name="small-minus" className={css.statusIcon} /> }, [status]) return ( <Container className={css.requestCard} data-selected={isSelected} onClick={onClick}> <Container flex className={css.dateContainer}> <Container> {statusIcon} {requestDate && <Text className={}>{requestDate.format('MMM D YYYY')}</Text>} </Container> {requestDate && <Text className={css.timestamp}>{requestDate.format('hh:mm')}</Text>} </Container> <Container className={css.requestContainer}> <Text inline className={css.requestLabel}> {getString('cv.request')}: </Text> <Text intent="primary" lineClamp={1} width={220}> {requestURL} </Text> </Container> </Container> ) } export function ThirdPartyCallLogModal(props: ThirdPartyCallLogsProps): JSX.Element { const { guid, onHide, onBackButtonClick, verificationType } = props const { accountId } = useParams<ProjectPathProps>() const { getString } = useStrings() const [selectedIndex, setSelected] = useState(0) const { loading, error, data } = useGetOnboardingLogs({ queryParams: { traceableId: guid, accountId, offset: 0, pageSize: 1000 } }) const dialogProps = useMemo(() => { Eif (onBackButtonClick) { return { ...bpDialogProps, title: ( <Container className={css.headingContainer}> <Button minimal intent="primary" icon="chevron-left" onClick={onBackButtonClick}> {getString('back')} </Button> <Heading level={2} className={css.backButtonHeading}> {`${getString('cv.thirdPartyCalls.modalTitle')} ${verificationType}`} </Heading> </Container> ), onClose: onHide } } return { ...bpDialogProps, title: `${getString('cv.thirdPartyCalls.modalTitle')} ${verificationType}`, onClose: onHide } }, [onBackButtonClick, onHide, verificationType]) const callLogs: ApiCallLogDTO[] = (data?.data?.content as ApiCallLogDTO[]) || [] return ( <Dialog {...dialogProps}> <Layout.Horizontal className={css.main}> <Container className={css.sideContainer}> <Container> {, index) => { const status = callLog?.responses?.filter(resp => === 'Status Code') return !callLog ? null : ( <RequestMade key={index} requestTimestamp={callLog.requestTime || -1} status={parseInt(status[0]?.value)} requestURL={callLog.requests[0].value} isSelected={selectedIndex === index} onClick={() => setSelected(index)} /> ) })} </Container> </Container> {loading && ( <Container className={css.spinner}> <Spinner /> </Container> )} {!loading && !error && callLogs?.length === 0 && ( <Text className={css.noCalls}>{getString('cv.thirdPartyCalls.noCallsWereMade')}</Text> )} {error && <PageError message={getErrorMessage(error)} />} {!loading && !error && callLogs?.length > 0 && <SelectedLog callLog={callLogs[selectedIndex]} />} </Layout.Horizontal> </Dialog> ) } |