All files / modules/75-ci/pages/get-started-with-ci/InfraProvisioningWizard Constants.ts

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 * Copyright 2022 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import type { IconName } from '@harness/uicore'
import type { ConnectorInfoDTO } from 'services/cd-ng'
import type { StringsMap } from 'stringTypes'
export interface InfraProvisioningWizardProps {
  lastConfiguredWizardStepId?: InfraProvisiongWizardStepId
  stepMetaData?: Map<string, Record<string, any>>
export const enum Hosting {
  SaaS = 'SAAS',
  OnPrem = 'ON_PREM'
export const enum BuildLocation {
  HostedByHarness = 'HOSTED_BY_HARNESS',
  Kubernetes = 'KUBERNETES',
  AWS = 'AWS',
  DockerRunner = 'DOCKER_RUNNER'
export interface BuildLocationDetails {
  icon: IconName
  location: BuildLocation
  label: keyof StringsMap
  details: keyof StringsMap
  approxETAInMins: number
  disabled?: boolean
export interface WizardStep {
  stepRender: React.ReactElement
  onClickNext?: () => void
  onClickBack?: () => void
  stepFooterLabel?: keyof StringsMap
export interface SelectBuildLocationProps {
  selectedBuildLocation: BuildLocationDetails
export const HostedByHarnessBuildLocation: BuildLocationDetails = {
  icon: 'harness',
  location: BuildLocation.HostedByHarness,
  label: 'ci.getStartedWithCI.hostedByHarness',
  details: 'ci.getStartedWithCI.hostedByHarnessBuildLocation',
  approxETAInMins: 2
export const AllBuildLocations: BuildLocationDetails[] = [
    icon: 'app-kubernetes',
    location: BuildLocation.Kubernetes,
    label: 'kubernetesText',
    details: 'ci.getStartedWithCI.k8sBuildLocation',
    approxETAInMins: 12,
    disabled: true
    icon: 'service-aws',
    location: BuildLocation.AWS,
    label: '',
    details: 'ci.getStartedWithCI.awsBuildLocation',
    approxETAInMins: 15,
    disabled: true
    icon: 'docker-step',
    location: BuildLocation.DockerRunner,
    label: 'ci.getStartedWithCI.dockerRunner',
    details: 'ci.getStartedWithCI.dockerRunnerBuildLocation',
    approxETAInMins: 2,
    disabled: true
export enum InfraProvisiongWizardStepId {
  SelectBuildLocation = 'SELECT_BUILD_LOCATION',
  SelectGitProvider = 'SELECT_GIT_PROVIDER',
  SelectGitProviderWithAuthenticationMethod = 'SELECT_GIT_PROVIDER_WITH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD',
  SelectRepository = 'SELECT_REPOSITORY'
// TODO Need to use exported StepStatus from uicore -> MultiStepProgressIndicator component
export enum StepStatus {
  ToDo = 'TODO',
  InProgress = 'INPROGRESS',
  Failed = 'FAILED',
  Success = 'SUCCESS'
export interface GitProvider {
  icon: IconName
  label: keyof StringsMap
  type: ConnectorInfoDTO['type']
  disabled?: boolean
export const AllGitProviders: GitProvider[] = [
  { icon: 'github', label: 'common.repo_provider.githubLabel', type: 'Github' },
  { icon: 'gitlab', label: 'common.repo_provider.gitlabLabel', type: 'Gitlab', disabled: true },
  { icon: 'bitbucket-blue', label: 'common.repo_provider.bitbucketLabel', type: 'Bitbucket', disabled: true }
export enum GitAuthenticationMethod {
  OAuth = 'OAUTH',
  AccessToken = 'ACCESS_TOKEN'