Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at * */ import React from 'react' import type { IconName, MultiTypeInputType } from '@wings-software/uicore' import { parse } from 'yaml' import get from 'lodash-es/get' import type { FormikErrors } from 'formik' import type { StepProps, ValidateInputSetProps } from '@pipeline/components/AbstractSteps/Step' import { StepViewType } from '@pipeline/components/AbstractSteps/Step' import { StepType } from '@pipeline/components/PipelineSteps/PipelineStepInterface' import { PipelineStep } from '@pipeline/components/PipelineSteps/PipelineStep' import { validateInputSet } from '@pipeline/components/PipelineSteps/Steps/StepsValidateUtils' import { getFormValuesInCorrectFormat } from '@pipeline/components/PipelineSteps/Steps/StepsTransformValuesUtils' import type { MultiTypeSelectOption, MultiTypeMapType, MultiTypeMapUIType, MultiTypeListType, MultiTypeListUIType, MultiTypeConnectorRef, Resources } from '@pipeline/components/PipelineSteps/Steps/StepsTypes' import type { CompletionItemInterface } from '@common/interfaces/YAMLBuilderProps' import { loggerFor } from 'framework/logging/logging' import { ModuleName } from 'framework/types/ModuleName' import type { StringsMap } from 'stringTypes' import { RunStepBaseWithRef } from './RunStepBase' import { RunStepInputSet } from './RunStepInputSet' import { RunStepVariables, RunStepVariablesProps } from './RunStepVariables' import { getInputSetViewValidateFieldsConfig, transformValuesFieldsConfig } from './RunStepFunctionConfigs' import { getConnectorSuggestions } from '../EditorSuggestionUtils' const logger = loggerFor(ModuleName.CI) const stepConnectorRegEx = /^.+step\.spec\.connectorRef$/ const ciPropsConRegEx = /^pipeline\.properties\.ci\.codebase\.connectorRef$/ const infrastructureConRegEx = /stage\.spec\.infrastructure\.spec\.connectorRef$/ const serviceDepConRegEx = /stage\.spec\.serviceDependencies\.spec\.connectorRef$/ export interface RunStepSpec { connectorRef: string image: string command: string privileged?: boolean reports?: { type: 'JUnit' spec: { paths: MultiTypeListType } } envVariables?: MultiTypeMapType outputVariables?: MultiTypeListType imagePullPolicy?: MultiTypeSelectOption shell?: MultiTypeSelectOption runAsUser?: string resources?: Resources } export interface RunStepData { identifier: string name?: string description?: string type: string timeout?: string spec: RunStepSpec } export interface RunStepSpecUI extends Omit<RunStepSpec, 'connectorRef' | 'reports' | 'envVariables' | 'outputVariables' | 'resources'> { connectorRef: MultiTypeConnectorRef reportPaths?: MultiTypeListUIType envVariables?: MultiTypeMapUIType outputVariables?: MultiTypeListUIType imagePullPolicy?: MultiTypeSelectOption shell?: MultiTypeSelectOption limitMemory?: string limitCPU?: string } // Interface for the form export interface RunStepDataUI extends Omit<RunStepData, 'spec'> { spec: RunStepSpecUI } export interface RunStepProps { initialValues: RunStepData template?: RunStepData path?: string readonly?: boolean stepViewType: StepViewType isNewStep?: boolean onUpdate?: (data: RunStepData) => void onChange?: (data: RunStepData) => void allowableTypes: MultiTypeInputType[] formik?: any } export class RunStep extends PipelineStep<RunStepData> { constructor() { super() this._hasStepVariables = true this.invocationMap = new Map() this.invocationMap.set(stepConnectorRegEx, this.getConnectorList.bind(this, undefined)) this.invocationMap.set( ciPropsConRegEx, this.getConnectorList.bind(this, ['Github', 'Gitlab', 'Bitbucket', 'Codecommit']) ) this.invocationMap.set(infrastructureConRegEx, this.getConnectorList.bind(this, ['K8sCluster'])) this.invocationMap.set(serviceDepConRegEx, this.getConnectorList.bind(this, ['Gcp', 'Aws', 'DockerRegistry'])) } protected type = StepType.Run protected stepName = 'Configure Run Step' protected stepIcon: IconName = 'run-step' protected stepIconColor = '#4F5162' protected stepDescription: keyof StringsMap = 'pipeline.stepDescription.Run' protected stepPaletteVisible = false protected defaultValues: RunStepData = { identifier: '', type: StepType.Run as string, spec: { connectorRef: '', image: '', command: '', shell: 'Sh' } } /* istanbul ignore next */ protected async getConnectorList( connectorTypes: string[] | undefined, path: string, yaml: string, params: Record<string, unknown> ): Promise<CompletionItemInterface[]> { if (connectorTypes?.length) { return getConnectorSuggestions(params, connectorTypes) } let pipelineObj try { pipelineObj = parse(yaml) } catch (err) { logger.error('Error while parsing the yaml', err) } if (pipelineObj) { const obj = get(pipelineObj, path.replace('.spec.connectorRef', '')) if (obj.type === StepType.Run || obj.type === StepType.Plugin) { return getConnectorSuggestions(params, ['Gcp', 'Aws', 'DockerRegistry']) } } return [] } /* istanbul ignore next */ processFormData<T>(data: T): RunStepData { return getFormValuesInCorrectFormat<T, RunStepData>(data, transformValuesFieldsConfig) } validateInputSet({ data, template, getString, viewType }: ValidateInputSetProps<RunStepData>): FormikErrors<RunStepData> { const isRequired = viewType === StepViewType.DeploymentForm || viewType === StepViewType.TriggerForm Eif (getString) { return validateInputSet(data, template, getInputSetViewValidateFieldsConfig(isRequired), { getString }, viewType) } return {} } renderStep(props: StepProps<RunStepData>): JSX.Element { const { initialValues, onUpdate, stepViewType, inputSetData, formikRef, customStepProps, readonly, isNewStep, onChange, allowableTypes } = props if (stepViewType === StepViewType.InputSet || stepViewType === StepViewType.DeploymentForm) { return ( <RunStepInputSet initialValues={initialValues} template={inputSetData?.template} path={inputSetData?.path || ''} readonly={!!inputSetData?.readonly} stepViewType={stepViewType} onUpdate={onUpdate} onChange={onChange} allowableTypes={allowableTypes} /> ) } else if (stepViewType === StepViewType.InputVariable) { return ( <RunStepVariables {...(customStepProps as RunStepVariablesProps)} initialValues={initialValues} onUpdate={onUpdate} /> ) } return ( <RunStepBaseWithRef initialValues={initialValues} allowableTypes={allowableTypes} onChange={onChange} stepViewType={stepViewType || StepViewType.Edit} onUpdate={onUpdate} readonly={readonly} isNewStep={isNewStep} ref={formikRef} /> ) } } |