All files / modules/75-cf/utils CFUtils.ts

87.88% Statements 145/165
80.83% Branches 97/120
87.8% Functions 36/41
86.67% Lines 130/150

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 * Copyright 2021 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import { Intent, IToaster, IToasterProps, Position, Toaster } from '@blueprintjs/core'
import { get } from 'lodash-es'
import { Utils } from '@wings-software/uicore'
import { useStrings } from 'framework/strings'
import type { Feature, Variation } from 'services/cf'
import type { EnvironmentResponseDTO } from 'services/cd-ng'
const LOCALE = 'en'
export const SEVEN_DAYS_IN_MILLIS = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
 * Format a timestamp to short format time (i.e: 7:41 AM)
 * @param timestamp Timestamp
 * @param timeStyle Optional DateTimeFormat's `timeStyle` option.
export function formatTime(timestamp: number, timeStyle = 'short'): string {
  return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(LOCALE, {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
    // @ts-ignore: TS built-in type for DateTimeFormat is not correct
  }).format(new Date(timestamp))
 * Format a timestamp to medium format date (i.e: Jan 1, 2021)
 * @param timestamp Timestamp
 * @param dateStyle Optional DateTimeFormat's `dateStyle` option.
export function formatDate(timestamp: number, dateStyle = 'medium'): string {
  return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(LOCALE, {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
    // @ts-ignore: TS built-in type for DateTimeFormat is not correct
  }).format(new Date(timestamp))
export const formatToCompactNumber = (longNumber: number): string => {
  if (longNumber > 999 && longNumber < 1000000) {
    return (longNumber / 1000).toFixed(0) + 'K'
  } else if (longNumber >= 1000000) {
    return (longNumber / 1000000).toFixed(0) + 'M'
  } else {
    return longNumber.toString()
export enum FFDetailPageTab {
  TARGETING = 'targeting',
  METRICS = 'metrics',
  ACTIVITY = 'activity'
export enum FeatureFlagMutivariateKind {
  json = 'json',
  string = 'string',
  number = 'int'
export const CF_LOCAL_STORAGE_ENV_KEY = 'cf_selected_env'
export const DEFAULT_ENV = { label: '', value: '' }
export const CF_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 15
export const ADIT_LOG_EMPTY_ENTRY_ID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
export const FeatureFlagActivationStatus = {
  ON: 'on',
  OFF: 'off'
export const AuditLogObjectType = {
  FeatureActivation: 'FeatureActivation' as const,
  Segment: 'Segment' as const
export const AuditLogAction = {
  FeatureActivationCreated: 'FeatureActivationCreated',
  SegmentCreated: 'SegmentCreated',
  FeatureActivationPatched: 'FeatureActivationPatched',
  SegmentPatched: 'SegmentPatched'
export const isFeatureFlagOn = (featureFlag: Feature) => {
  return featureFlag.envProperties?.state?.toLocaleLowerCase() === FeatureFlagActivationStatus.ON
export const featureFlagHasCustomRules = (featureFlag: Feature) => {
  return !!(featureFlag.envProperties?.rules?.length || featureFlag.envProperties?.variationMap?.length)
export enum FeatureFlagBucketBy {
  IDENTIFIER = 'identifier',
  NAME = 'name'
export const useBucketByItems = () => {
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  const [additions, setAdditions] = useState<string[]>([])
  const addBucketByItem = useCallback(
    (item: string) => {
      const _item = (item || '').trim()
      if (
        _item &&
        _item !== FeatureFlagBucketBy.NAME &&
        _item !== FeatureFlagBucketBy.IDENTIFIER &&
      ) {
        setAdditions([...additions, _item])
    [additions, setAdditions]
  const bucketByItems = useMemo(() => {
    const _items = [
        label: getString('identifier'),
        value: FeatureFlagBucketBy.IDENTIFIER as string
        label: getString('name'),
        value: FeatureFlagBucketBy.NAME as string
    if (additions.length) {
      additions.forEach(addition => _items.push({ label: addition, value: addition }))
    return _items
  }, [getString, additions])
  return { bucketByItems, addBucketByItem }
// This util unescape <strong/> sequences in i18n output to support bold text
// Note: To avoid XSS vulnerability, call replace() with full
// escaped sequences and not single character like `<', '>', etc...
export const unescapeI18nSupportedTags = (str: string) =>
  str.replace(/&lt;strong&gt;/g, '<strong>').replace(/&lt;&#x2F;strong&gt;/g, '</strong>')
// FF Environment SDK Type
export enum EnvironmentSDKKeyType {
  SERVER = 'server',
  CLIENT = 'client'
export const DISABLE_AVATAR_PROPS = {
  onMouseEnter: Utils.stopEvent,
  onClick: Utils.stopEvent,
  onMouseDown: Utils.stopEvent,
  style: { cursor: 'default' }
export enum SortOrder {
export enum SegmentsSortByField {
  NAME = 'name'
export enum FlagsSortByField {
  NAME = 'name',
  IDENTIFIER = 'identifier',
  ARCHIVED = 'archived',
  KIND = 'kind',
  MODIFIED_AT = 'modifiedAt'
  // TODO: backend needs to support Last Evaluated & Variation, etc..
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export const getErrorMessage = (error: any): string =>
  get(error, 'data.error', get(error, 'data.message', error?.message))
export const TARGET_PRIMARY_COLOR = '#47D5DF'
export const SEGMENT_PRIMARY_COLOR = '#BDA5F2'
const ABBREV = 'KMB'
function round(n: number, precision: number): number {
  const prec = Math.pow(10, precision)
  return Math.round(n * prec) / prec
export function formatNumber(n: number, useIntl?: boolean): string {
  if (useIntl) {
    return new Intl.NumberFormat().format(n)
  let base = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(n)) / Math.log(1000))
  const suffix = ABBREV[Math.min(2, base - 1)]
  base = ABBREV.indexOf(suffix) + 1
  return suffix ? round(n / Math.pow(1000, base), 2) + suffix : '' + n
export enum EntityAddingMode {
export const useFeatureFlagTypeToStringMapping = (): { string: string; boolean: string; int: string; json: string } => {
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  const typeMapping = useMemo(
    () => ({
      string: getString('string'),
      boolean: getString('cf.boolean'),
      int: getString('number'),
      json: getString('cf.creationModal.jsonType')
  return typeMapping
/** This utility shows a toaster without being bound to any component.
 * It's useful to show cross-page/component messages */
export function showToaster(message: string, props?: IToasterProps): IToaster {
  const toaster = Toaster.create({ position: Position.TOP }){ message, intent: Intent.SUCCESS, ...props })
  return toaster
export const isNumeric = (input: string): boolean => /^-{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/.test(input)
export type UseValidateVariationValuesResult = (
  variations: Variation[],
  featureFlagKind: string
) => { variations?: Array<{ value?: string }> }
export function useValidateVariationValues(): UseValidateVariationValuesResult {
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  const validateVariationValues = useCallback<UseValidateVariationValuesResult>(
    (variations, featureFlagKind) => {
      const isTypeNumber = featureFlagKind === FeatureFlagMutivariateKind.number
      let variationErrors: Array<{ value?: string }> | undefined = undefined
      // Values must be number when type is number and valid JSON when type is JSON
      if (isTypeNumber || featureFlagKind === FeatureFlagMutivariateKind.json) {
        variationErrors = Variation) => {
          Eif (isTypeNumber) {
            return isNumeric(variation.value) ? {} : { value: getString('cf.creationModal.mustBeNumber') }
          } else {
            try {
            } catch (_e) {
              return { value: getString('cf.creationModal.mustBeValidJSON') }
            return {}
        variationErrors = variationErrors.find((error: { value?: string }) => error.value) ? variationErrors : undefined
      const result = {
        ...(variationErrors ? { variations: variationErrors } : undefined)
      return result
  return validateVariationValues
// Colors used for CF banners
export const ColorPickerColors = [
  '#ffe6e6', // red
  '#e3fff1', // green
  '#e5f0ff', // blue
  '#fffee6', // yellow
  '#fff8e6', // orange
  '#e6ffff', // teal
  '#ffe6ff', // purple
  '#ffffff', // grey
  '#c7c9d9' // black
 * Get the contrasting color for any hex color
 * (c) 2021 Chris Ferdinandi, MIT License,
 * Derived from work by Brian Suda,
 * @param  {String} A hexcolor value
 * @return {String} The contrasting color (black or white)
export function getContrast(hexcolor: string): string {
  // If a leading # is provided, remove it
  if (hexcolor.slice(0, 1) === '#') {
    hexcolor = hexcolor.slice(1)
  // If a three-character hexcode, make six-character
  if (hexcolor.length === 3) {
    hexcolor = hexcolor
      .map(function (hex) {
        return hex + hex
  // Convert to RGB value
  const r = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(0, 2), 16)
  const g = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(2, 2), 16)
  const b = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(4, 2), 16)
  // Get YIQ ratio
  const yiq = (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000
  // Check contrast
  return yiq >= 128 ? 'black' : 'white'
export const rewriteCurrentLocationWithActiveEnvironment = (activeEnvironment: EnvironmentResponseDTO): void => {
  Iif (!activeEnvironment) {
  const hrefParts = location.href.split('?')
  const activeQueryParams: Record<string, string> = (hrefParts[1] || '')
    .filter(entry => !!entry?.length)
    .map(item => item.split('='))
    .reduce((params, item) => {
      params[item[0]] = item[1]
      return params
    }, {} as Record<string, string>)
  activeQueryParams.activeEnvironment = activeEnvironment.identifier || ''
    hrefParts[0] +
      '?' +
        .map(pair => pair.join('='))
export enum CFEntityType {
  TARGET = 'target',
  TARGET_GROUP = 'segment'
export const getDefaultVariation = (flag: Feature): Variation => {
  if (!isFeatureFlagOn(flag)) {
    return flag.variations.find(({ identifier }) => identifier === flag.defaultOffVariation) as Variation
  if (flag.envProperties?.defaultServe?.variation) {
    const variation = flag.variations.find(
      ({ identifier }) => identifier === flag.envProperties?.defaultServe?.variation
    Eif (variation) {
      return variation
  return flag.variations.find(({ identifier }) => identifier === flag.defaultOnVariation) as Variation