All files / modules/75-cf/components/FlagActivation/views TabEvaluations.tsx

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69.44% Branches 50/72
93.75% Functions 15/16
96.61% Lines 57/59

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 * Copyright 2021 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import React, { useMemo } from 'react'
import { Container, Icon, Layout, Text, PageError, NoDataCard } from '@wings-software/uicore'
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
import cx from 'classnames'
import { Color } from '@harness/design-system'
import { clone } from 'lodash-es'
import * as Moment from 'moment'
import { extendMoment } from 'moment-range'
import type { PlotOptions } from 'highcharts'
import { Classes } from '@blueprintjs/core'
import { useStrings } from 'framework/strings'
import { VariationWithIcon } from '@cf/components/VariationWithIcon/VariationWithIcon'
import { CFVariationColors } from '@cf/constants'
import { Feature, FeatureEvaluation, GetFeatureEvaluationsQueryParams, useGetFeatureEvaluations } from 'services/cf'
import { formatDate, formatNumber, getErrorMessage } from '@cf/utils/CFUtils'
import useActiveEnvironment from '@cf/hooks/useActiveEnvironment'
import { EvaluationsChart } from './EvaluationsChart'
import css from './MetricsView.module.scss'
const moment = extendMoment(Moment)
export interface TabEvaluationsProps {
  flagData: Feature
  startDate: Date
  endDate: Date
// Remove year in chart for only current year dates
const _formatDateWithoutYear = (date: number): string => {
  const currentYear = new Date(date).getFullYear()
  return formatDate(date)
    .replace(new RegExp(currentYear + '$', 'i'), '')
    .replace(',', '')
export const TabEvaluations: React.FC<TabEvaluationsProps> = ({ flagData, startDate, endDate }) => {
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  const { accountId: accountIdentifier, orgIdentifier, projectIdentifier } = useParams<Record<string, string>>()
  const { activeEnvironment: environmentIdentifier } = useActiveEnvironment()
  const queryParams = useMemo<GetFeatureEvaluationsQueryParams>(
    () => ({
      org: orgIdentifier,
      project: projectIdentifier,
      startTime: startDate.getTime(),
      endTime: endDate.getTime()
    [startDate, endDate, accountIdentifier, orgIdentifier, projectIdentifier, environmentIdentifier]
  const { data, loading, error, refetch } = useGetFeatureEvaluations({
    identifier: flagData.identifier,
  const _data = data as FeatureEvaluation[] // Note: Backend Swagger spec is wrong at the moment
  const total = _data?.reduce((_total, entry: FeatureEvaluation) => {
    const _entry = _total.find(({ variationIdentifier }) => variationIdentifier === entry.variationIdentifier)
    if (_entry) {
      _entry.count = (_entry.count || 0) + (entry.count || 0)
    } else {
    return _total
  }, [] as FeatureEvaluation[])
  const metricsGroupedByDay = _data?.reduce((_metricsGroupedByDay, entry) => {
    const _entry = _metricsGroupedByDay.find(
      ({ day, variationIdentifier }) =>
        variationIdentifier === entry.variationIdentifier && day === moment.utc('MMM DD')
    Iif (_entry) {
      _entry.count = (_entry.count || 0) + (entry.count || 0)
    } else {
      _metricsGroupedByDay.push({ ...entry, day: moment.utc('MMM DD') })
    return _metricsGroupedByDay
  }, [] as (FeatureEvaluation & { day: string })[])
  // categories is used to render x-axis
  const categories = Array.from(moment.range(new Date(startDate), new Date(endDate)).by('day', { step: 1 })).map(
    interval => _formatDateWithoutYear(interval.valueOf())
  // series is used to render y-axis + tooltip
  const series =, index) => {
    const seriesData =
      dayFromRanges =>
          ({ variationIdentifier, day }) => variationIdentifier === variation.identifier && dayFromRanges === day
        )?.count || 0
    // Tooltip with combination with audit logs are not implemented
    // @see
    const tooltips = categories.reduce((_tooltip, dayFromRanges) => {
      _tooltip[dayFromRanges] = `
          ${getString('cf.featureFlags.metrics.flagEvaluations', { count: 100 })}
        <table className=${cx(Classes.HTML_TABLE, css.dataTable)}>
            <td>${formatNumber(1000 || 0, true)} evaluations</td>
      return _tooltip
    }, {} as Record<string, string>)
    const variationSeriesItem = {
      color: CFVariationColors[index % CFVariationColors.length],
      data: seriesData,
    return variationSeriesItem
  const sum = total?.reduce((_sum, entry) => _sum + (entry.count || 0), 0) || 0
  return (
    <Container className={css.contentBody}>
      {loading && <Icon name="spinner" size={16} color="blue500" />}
      {error && <PageError message={getErrorMessage(error)} onClick={() => refetch()} />}
      {!loading && !error && _data?.length === 0 && (
        <NoDataCard icon="cf-main" message={getString('cf.featureFlags.metrics.noData')} />
      {!loading && !error && !!_data?.length && (
        <Container margin={{ top: 'medium' }}>
            series={series as PlotOptions}
            title={getString('cf.featureFlags.metrics.flagEvaluations', {
              count: formatNumber(sum)
          <Container margin={{ top: 'xxlarge' }}>
            <table className={cx(Classes.HTML_TABLE, css.dataTable)}>
                  <th style={{ paddingLeft: 'var(--spacing-large)' }}>{getString('cf.shared.variation')}</th>
                {total?.map(entry => {
                  const index = flagData.variations.findIndex(
                    variation => variation.identifier === entry.variationIdentifier
                  return (
                    <tr key={entry.variationIdentifier}>
                      <td style={{ paddingLeft: 'var(--spacing-large)' }}>
                        <Layout.Horizontal spacing="xsmall" style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
                          <VariationWithIcon variation={flagData.variations[index]} index={index} />
                        {formatNumber(entry.count || 0, true)}{' '}
                        <Text inline color={Color.GREY_400}>
                          ({(((entry.count || 0) / sum) * 100).toFixed(2).replace(/0+$/, '')}%)