All files / modules/75-cd/components/PipelineSteps/K8sServiceSpec/ArtifactSource artifactSourceUtils.ts

78.69% Statements 48/61
51.05% Branches 73/143
100% Functions 12/12
73.47% Lines 36/49

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 * Copyright 2022 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import { getMultiTypeFromValue, MultiTypeInputType, SelectOption } from '@harness/uicore'
import type { FormikValues } from 'formik'
import { cloneDeep, defaultTo, get, isEmpty, unset } from 'lodash-es'
import type { GetDataError } from 'restful-react'
import { parse } from 'yaml'
import {
} from '@triggers/pages/triggers/utils/TriggersWizardPageUtils'
import type { K8SDirectServiceStep } from '@pipeline/factories/ArtifactTriggerInputFactory/types'
import type {
} from 'services/cd-ng'
import { RegistryHostNames } from '@pipeline/components/ArtifactsSelection/ArtifactUtils'
import type { ArtifactType } from '@pipeline/components/ArtifactsSelection/ArtifactInterface'
import { clearRuntimeInputValue } from '../K8sServiceSpecHelper'
export type BuildDetailsDTO =
  | DockerBuildDetailsDTO[]
  | GcrBuildDetailsDTO[]
  | EcrBuildDetailsDTO[]
  | NexusBuildDetailsDTO[]
  | ArtifactoryBuildDetailsDTO[]
export const resetTags = (formik: FormikValues, tagPath: string): void => {
  const tagValue = get(formik.values, tagPath, '')
  Iif (getMultiTypeFromValue(tagValue) === MultiTypeInputType.FIXED && tagValue?.length) {
    formik.setFieldValue(tagPath, '')
export const fromPipelineInputTriggerTab = (formik: FormikValues, fromTrigger = false): boolean => {
  return (
    formik?.values?.triggerType === TriggerTypes.ARTIFACT && !isEmpty(formik?.values?.selectedArtifact) && !fromTrigger
export const isSelectedStage = (stageIdentifier: string, formikStageId: string): boolean =>
  stageIdentifier === formikStageId
export const isSelectedArtifact = (selectedArtifact: any, identifier?: string): boolean => {
  if (!isEmpty(identifier)) {
    return !isEmpty(selectedArtifact) && selectedArtifact.identifier === identifier
  return (
    !isEmpty(selectedArtifact) && (!selectedArtifact.identifier || selectedArtifact.identifier === PRIMARY_ARTIFACT)
export const isFieldfromTriggerTabDisabled = (
  fieldName: string,
  formik: FormikValues,
  stageIdentifier: string,
  fromTrigger = false,
  identifier?: string
): boolean => {
  if (fromTrigger) {
    // Trigger Configuration Tab
    return get(TriggerDefaultFieldList, fieldName) ? true : false
  } else if (
    fromPipelineInputTriggerTab(formik, fromTrigger) &&
    isSelectedArtifact(formik?.values?.selectedArtifact, identifier) &&
    isSelectedStage(stageIdentifier, formik?.values?.stageId)
  ) {
    return true
  return false
export const getTagError = (fetchTagsError: GetDataError<any> | null): string =>
  get(fetchTagsError, 'data.message', null)
export const getYamlData = (formikValues: Record<string, any>): PipelineInfoConfig =>
            pipeline: formikValues
export const getPrimaryInitialValues = (
  initialValues: K8SDirectServiceStep,
  formik: FormikValues,
  stageIdentifier: string,
  artifactPath: string
): { type: ArtifactType; spec: ArtifactConfig } | undefined => {
  Iif (stageIdentifier === formik?.values?.stageId) {
    const initialArtifactValue = get(initialValues, `artifacts.${artifactPath}`)
    const { selectedArtifact } = formik?.values
    if (initialArtifactValue && isEmpty(selectedArtifact.identifier)) {
         backend requires eventConditions inside selectedArtifact but should not be added to inputYaml
      if (selectedArtifact?.spec.eventConditions) {
        unset(selectedArtifact?.spec, 'eventConditions')
      return {
        type: selectedArtifact?.type,
        spec: {
export const getSidecarInitialValues = (
  initialValues: K8SDirectServiceStep,
  formik: FormikValues,
  stageIdentifier: string,
  artifactPath: string
): { identifier: string; type: ArtifactType; spec: ArtifactConfig } | undefined => {
  Iif (stageIdentifier === formik?.values?.stageId) {
    const initialArtifactValue = get(initialValues, `artifacts.${artifactPath}`)
    const { selectedArtifact } = formik?.values
    if (initialArtifactValue && selectedArtifact.identifier === initialArtifactValue.identifier) {
         backend requires eventConditions inside selectedArtifact but should not be added to inputYaml
      if (selectedArtifact?.spec.eventConditions) {
        unset(selectedArtifact?.spec, 'eventConditions')
      return {
        identifier: selectedArtifact?.identifier,
        type: selectedArtifact?.type,
        spec: {
export const gcrUrlList: SelectOption[] = Object.values(RegistryHostNames).map(item => ({ label: item, value: item }))
export const isArtifactSourceRuntime = (
  isPrimaryArtifactsRuntime: boolean,
  isSidecarRuntime: boolean,
  isSidecar: boolean
): boolean => (!isSidecar && isPrimaryArtifactsRuntime) || (isSidecar && isSidecarRuntime)
export const getImagePath = (initialImagePath: string, formikImagePathValue: string): string => {
  return getMultiTypeFromValue(initialImagePath) !== MultiTypeInputType.RUNTIME
    ? initialImagePath
    : formikImagePathValue