All files / modules/70-pipeline/components/LogsContent/LogsState createSections.ts

93.33% Statements 56/60
76.19% Branches 96/126
85.71% Functions 6/7
94.74% Lines 54/57

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 * Copyright 2021 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import { findLast, set, snakeCase } from 'lodash-es'
import {
} from '@pipeline/utils/statusHelpers'
import { getDefaultReducerState } from './utils'
import type { Action, ActionType, LogSectionData, State, ProgressMapValue, UnitLoadingStatus } from './types'
function parseToTime(p: unknown): number | undefined {
  Iif (typeof p === 'number') {
    return p
  if (typeof p === 'string') {
    const t = parseInt(p, 10)
    Eif (!Number.isNaN(t)) {
      return t
const NON_MUTATE_STATES: UnitLoadingStatus[] = ['LOADING', 'QUEUED']
export function createSections(state: State, action: Action<ActionType.CreateSections>): State {
  const { node, selectedStep, selectedStage, getSectionName } = action.payload
  if (!node) {
    return getDefaultReducerState({ selectedStage, selectedStep })
  const isSameStage = selectedStage === state.selectedStage
  const isSameStep = isSameStage && selectedStep === state.selectedStep
   * task object must always be picked from the first entry
   * in `executableResponses`
   * It can be either be a `taskChain`, `task` or `sync`
  const executableResponse = node?.executableResponses?.[0] || {}
  const task =
    executableResponse.taskChain ||
    executableResponse.task ||
    executableResponse.sync ||
    executableResponse.async ||
  // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
  let { units = [], logKeys = [] } = task || ({} as any)
  const progressMap = new Map<string, ProgressMapValue>()
  const isStepComplete = isExecutionComplete(node.status)
  let hasNoUnits = false
  if (units.length === 0 && logKeys.length > 0) {
    hasNoUnits = true
    units = unknown, i: number) => getSectionName(i + 1))
  if (Array.isArray(node.unitProgresses)) {
    node.unitProgresses.forEach(row => {
      Eif (row.unitName) {
        progressMap.set(row.unitName, {
          status: row.status as UnitLoadingStatus,
          startTime: row.startTime,
          endTime: row.endTime
  const dataMap: Record<string, LogSectionData> = units.reduce(
    (acc: Record<string, LogSectionData>, unit: string, i: number) => {
      const key = logKeys[i]
       * progressMap must have a status for this unit.
       * In case it doesn't, fallback to the 'UNKNOWN' status.
      const unitProgress: ProgressMapValue | undefined = hasNoUnits
        ? { status: snakeCase(node.status || 'NotStarted').toUpperCase() as UnitLoadingStatus }
        : progressMap.get(unit)
      const unitStatus: UnitLoadingStatus = unitProgress?.status || 'NOT_STARTED'
      const currentStatus = state.dataMap[key]?.status
      const manuallyToggled = !!state.dataMap[key]?.manuallyToggled
      const isRunning = isExecutionRunningLike(unitStatus)
      acc[key] = {
        title: unit,
        data: isSameStep ? state.dataMap[key]?.data || [] : [],
        isOpen: isSameStep && manuallyToggled ? state.dataMap[key]?.isOpen : isRunning,
        manuallyToggled: isSameStep ? manuallyToggled : false,
        status: isSameStep && NON_MUTATE_STATES.includes(currentStatus) && isRunning ? currentStatus : unitStatus,
        startTime: parseToTime(unitProgress?.startTime),
        endTime: parseToTime(unitProgress?.endTime),
        dataSource: isRunning ? 'stream' : 'blob'
      return acc
  let unitToOpen: string | null = null
  if (logKeys.length > 1) {
    if (isStepComplete) {
      const isStepSuccess = isExecutionSuccess(node.status)
      // if step is successful
      Eif (isStepSuccess) {
        // open the first section
        unitToOpen = logKeys[0]
      } else {
        // find and open the first failed section
        const failedUnit = logKeys.find((key: string) => isExecutionFailed(dataMap[key]?.unitStatus))
        unitToOpen = failedUnit || null
    } else {
      // open the running section
      const runningUnit = findLast(logKeys, key => isExecutionRunningLike(dataMap[key]?.unitStatus))
      unitToOpen = runningUnit || null
  } else if (logKeys.length === 1) {
    const isExecutionRunning = isExecutionRunningLike(dataMap[logKeys[0]]?.unitStatus)
    // only open the unit if it is running/complete
    Eif (isExecutionRunning || isStepComplete) {
      unitToOpen = logKeys[0]
  if (unitToOpen && !dataMap[unitToOpen].manuallyToggled) {
    // if we are opening a section the set it to loading
    Eif (dataMap[unitToOpen].status !== 'QUEUED' && !dataMap[unitToOpen].data.length) {
      set(dataMap[unitToOpen], 'status', 'LOADING')
    set(dataMap[unitToOpen], 'isOpen', true)
  return {
    searchData: isSameStep ? { ...state.searchData } : getDefaultReducerState().searchData