All files / modules/20-rbac/utils/useRBACError useRBACError.tsx

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 * Copyright 2022 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import { Color, getErrorInfoFromErrorObject, Layout, Text } from '@harness/uicore'
import React from 'react'
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
import type { GetDataError } from 'restful-react'
import { defaultTo } from 'lodash-es'
import { getScopeFromDTO } from '@common/components/EntityReference/EntityReference'
import type { ProjectPathProps } from '@common/interfaces/RouteInterfaces'
import { Scope } from '@common/interfaces/SecretsInterface'
import RbacFactory from '@rbac/factories/RbacFactory'
import { useAppStore } from 'framework/AppStore/AppStoreContext'
import { useStrings } from 'framework/strings'
import type { ResourceType } from '@rbac/interfaces/ResourceType'
import type { StringsMap } from 'framework/strings/StringsContext'
import type { PermissionIdentifier } from '@rbac/interfaces/PermissionIdentifier'
import type { AccessControlCheckError, Error, Failure, ResourceScope } from 'services/cd-ng'
import type { ErrorHandlerProps } from '../utils'
import css from '@rbac/components/RBACTooltip/RBACTooltip.module.scss'
// Giving this type the name of RBACError for the time being.
// Once RBAC Error is renamed to a more generic solution and naming, this name should be renamed and made generic as well
export type RBACError = ErrorHandlerProps | GetDataError<Failure | AccessControlCheckError | Error>
interface RbacErrorReturn {
  getRBACErrorMessage: (error: RBACError) => React.ReactElement | string
const useRBACError = (): RbacErrorReturn => {
  const { accountId, orgIdentifier, projectIdentifier } = useParams<ProjectPathProps>()
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  const { selectedProject } = useAppStore()
  const getProjectScopeSuffix = (resourceScope: ResourceScope): string => {
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (selectedProject && [resourceScope.projectIdentifier, projectIdentifier].includes(selectedProject.identifier)) {
    } else {
      return resourceScope.projectIdentifier || projectIdentifier
  const getScopeSuffix = (currentScope: Scope, resourceScope: ResourceScope): string => {
    const currentScopeLabel = getString(`rbac.${currentScope}` as keyof StringsMap)
    switch (currentScope) {
      case Scope.PROJECT: {
        return `${currentScopeLabel} "${getProjectScopeSuffix(resourceScope)}"`
      case Scope.ORG: {
        return `${currentScopeLabel} "${resourceScope.orgIdentifier || orgIdentifier}"`
      default: {
        return getString('rbac.accountScope')
  const getRBACErrorMessage = (error: RBACError): React.ReactElement | string => {
    const err = error?.data
    if (
      err &&
      (err as AccessControlCheckError).code === 'NG_ACCESS_DENIED' &&
      (err as AccessControlCheckError)?.failedPermissionChecks
    ) {
      const { permission, resourceType, resourceScope } =
        (err as AccessControlCheckError)?.failedPermissionChecks?.[0] || {}
      /* istanbul ignore else */
      if (permission && resourceType && resourceScope) {
        const resourceTypeHandler = RbacFactory.getResourceTypeHandler(resourceType as ResourceType)
        const currentScope = getScopeFromDTO(
          defaultTo(resourceScope, {
            accountIdentifier: accountId
        let permissionLabel = resourceTypeHandler?.permissionLabels?.[permission as PermissionIdentifier] || permission
        /* istanbul ignore else */
        if (typeof permissionLabel !== 'string') {
          permissionLabel = getString(permissionLabel.props.stringID)
        return (
          <Layout.Vertical padding="small" spacing="small" className={css.main}>
            <Text font={{ size: 'small', weight: 'semi-bold' }} color={Color.GREY_800}>
              {`${getString('rbac.youAreNotAuthorizedTo')} `}
              <span className={css.textToLowercase}>{permissionLabel}</span>
              <span className={css.textToLowercase}>
                {` ${resourceTypeHandler?.label && getString(resourceTypeHandler?.label)}.`}
            <Text font={{ size: 'small' }} color={Color.GREY_800}>
            <Text font={{ size: 'small' }} color={Color.GREY_800}>
              <span className={css.textToLowercase}>
                {` ${resourceTypeHandler?.label && getString(resourceTypeHandler?.label)}`}
              <span>{` ${getString('')} ${getScopeSuffix(currentScope, resourceScope)}`}</span>
    return getErrorInfoFromErrorObject(error)
  return {
export default useRBACError