All files / modules/10-common/utils rsql.ts

94.44% Statements 34/36
86.67% Branches 13/15
86.67% Functions 13/15
94.12% Lines 32/34

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// This utility toolkip provides functions to generate RSQL strings
// RSQL grammar and semantics can be found here:
// eg. usage: and(equals('name', 'john'), includes('age', [20, 30, 40]))) => equivalent to "name is john and age is in (20, 30, 40)"
// you can also use the shorthand notation like and(eq('name', 'john'), gt('year', 2020))
const reservedCharacters = /"|'|\(|\)|;|,|=|!|~|<|>/
type Value = string | number
type Operator = '==' | '!=' | '=lt=' | '=gt=' | '=le=' | '=ge=' | '=in=' | '=out='
function valid(val: string): boolean {
  return !reservedCharacters.test(val)
function getExpression(operator: Operator, field: string, value: Value | Value[]): string {
  if (
    !valid(field) || // test field
    (typeof value === 'string' && !valid(value)) || // test value if value is string
    (value instanceof Array && value.filter(val => typeof val === 'string' && !valid(val)).length > 0) // test all string values if value is an array
  ) {
    throw new Error('String contains reserved characters')
  return `${field}${operator}${value instanceof Array ? `(${value.join(',')})` : value}`
export function equals(field: string, value: Value): string {
  return getExpression('==', field, value)
export const eq = equals
export function notEquals(field: string, value: Value): string {
  return getExpression('!=', field, value)
export const ne = notEquals
export function lessThan(field: string, value: Value): string {
  return getExpression('=lt=', field, value)
export const lt = lessThan
export function greaterThan(field: string, value: Value): string {
  return getExpression('=gt=', field, value)
export const gt = greaterThan
export function lessThanOrEquals(field: string, value: Value): string {
  return getExpression('=le=', field, value)
export const le = lessThanOrEquals
export function greaterThanOrEquals(field: string, value: Value): string {
  return getExpression('=ge=', field, value)
export const ge = greaterThanOrEquals
export function includes(field: string, value: Array<Value>): string {
  return getExpression('=in=', field, value)
export function excludes(field: string, value: Array<Value>): string {
  return getExpression('=out=', field, value)
export function and(...args: Array<string | undefined>): string {
  args = args.filter(arg => arg !== undefined)
  return args.length ? `(${args.join(';')})` : ''
export function or(...args: Array<string | undefined>): string {
  args = args.filter(arg => arg !== undefined)
  return args.length ? `(${args.join(',')})` : ''