All files / modules/10-common/components/FeatureWarning FeatureWarningWithTooltip.tsx

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 * Copyright 2022 Harness Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the PolyForm Shield 1.0.0 license
 * that can be found in the licenses directory at the root of this repository, also available at
import React, { ReactElement } from 'react'
import { ButtonSize, Layout, Text, Popover } from '@harness/uicore'
import { PopoverInteractionKind } from '@blueprintjs/core'
import { FontVariation, Color } from '@harness/design-system'
import { capitalize } from 'lodash-es'
import { useStrings } from 'framework/strings'
import { FeatureDescriptor, customFeatureDescriptor } from 'framework/featureStore/FeatureDescriptor'
import type { Module } from '@common/interfaces/RouteInterfaces'
import { useFeatureRequiredPlans } from '@common/hooks/useFeatures'
import type { FeatureIdentifier } from 'framework/featureStore/FeatureIdentifier'
import { ExplorePlansBtn } from './featureWarningUtil'
import css from './FeatureWarning.module.scss'
interface FeatureWarningTooltipProps {
  featureName: FeatureIdentifier
  warningMessage?: string
export interface FeatureWarningProps {
  featureName: FeatureIdentifier
  warningMessage?: string
  className?: string
export interface ExplorePlansBtnProps {
  module?: Module
  size?: ButtonSize
interface WarningTextProps {
  tooltip?: ReactElement
export const WarningText = ({ tooltip }: WarningTextProps): ReactElement => {
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  return (
    <Popover interactionKind={PopoverInteractionKind.HOVER} content={tooltip} position={'bottom'}>
        font={{ variation: FontVariation.SMALL, weight: 'bold' }}
        iconProps={{ color: Color.ORANGE_800, padding: { right: 'small' }, size: 25 }}
export const FeatureWarningTooltip = ({ featureName, warningMessage }: FeatureWarningTooltipProps): ReactElement => {
  const { getString } = useStrings()
  const featureNameStr = capitalize(featureName.split('_').join(' '))
  const featureDescription = FeatureDescriptor[featureName] ? FeatureDescriptor[featureName] : featureNameStr
  const customFeatureDescription = customFeatureDescriptor(featureName, getString)
  const requiredPlans = useFeatureRequiredPlans(featureName)
  const requiredPlansStr = requiredPlans.length > 0 ? requiredPlans.join(' or ') : 'upgrade'
  const upgradeDescription = getString('common.feature.levelUp.planMessage', {
    plan: requiredPlansStr
  function getBody(): React.ReactNode {
    if (warningMessage || customFeatureDescription) {
      return (
        <Text font={{ size: 'small' }} color={Color.WHITE}>
          {warningMessage || customFeatureDescription}
    return (
      <Text font={{ size: 'small' }} color={Color.WHITE}>
        {upgradeDescription} {featureDescription}
  return (
    <Layout.Vertical padding="medium" className={css.tooltip}>
        font={{ variation: FontVariation.FORM_MESSAGE_WARNING, weight: 'bold' }}
        iconProps={{ color: Color.ORANGE_800, size: 25 }}
        padding={{ bottom: 'xsmall' }}
      <Layout.Vertical spacing="small">
        <ExplorePlansBtn featureName={featureName} className={css.btn} />
export const FeatureWarningWithTooltip = ({ featureName, warningMessage }: FeatureWarningProps): ReactElement => {
  const tooltip = <FeatureWarningTooltip featureName={featureName} warningMessage={warningMessage} />
  return <WarningText tooltip={tooltip} />